Thank You for Supporting our Travels


Welcome to our joint website. We have 4 Girl Scout Cookie Entrepreneurs in our home (that's a lot of cookies!!!) so to make it fair we have included links to all our cookie websites along with our sales goals. We will frequently update our progress so you can follow along with our sales this season. Scroll down to see our goals!

Feel free to share this link with others, you can even opt to have us deliver them to you, if you live in the San Diego area, or if you are not local or just want to ship them that is an option too. Shipping rates can be adjusted so please check them before finalizing your purchase.  Don't need cookies? Then you can also choose our Operation Thin Mint/Donate button and they will still count as actual boxes to our goal!

We thank you for your business. If you have any questions please feel free to email us at If you prefer phone you can text or call our mom, Holly, at 619.677.7223, she will connect us to you in order to make the sale.

Chura is a Junior

With proceeds from last year her troop went to Aquarium of the Pacific and got to touch Moon Jellies! This year they want to go Horseback Riding!

Chura's Goal: 


Troop 4325 reached:


Geo is a Girl Scout Senior

They're troop is continuing to save money to travel to London!!! They are excited about getting to see some cool English Universities!

Geo's Goal: 


Troop 4106 Goal:


Miyana is a Girl Scout Senior

Her troop is planning to visit London and she is working hard to save money to go! She is excited to gain more travel experience.

Miyana's Goal:


Troop 4106 Goal:


Kairen is a Girl Scout Ambassador

She was able to be a Counselor-in-training this past summer at resident and day camp! She can't wait to visit a Girl Guide World Center and trying some English snack foods!

Kairen's Goal:


Troop 4106 Goal:


Here are some more ways we helped fundraise money this past holiday season!